Australasia ADHD Coach Community 

Australasia ADHD Coach WhatsApp Community

Code of Conduct

Statement of group purpose:

This is a group for Australasian ADHD Coaches who believe that we can all rise together as a profession when we are mutually supportive and collaborative, and willing to lift each other up. 

The WhatsApp community and its chat groups are a place: 

  • where ADHD coaches can be part of a mutually supportive professional community

  • to ask questions about establishing and growing your ADHD coaching business, or seek relevant resources and information

  • to discuss issues relevant to the coaching profession and practice

  • to find other coaches with more appropriate skills/interests/qualifications to refer clients to

  • to celebrate and acknowledge each other's strengths and successes. 

  • to seek collaborators for initiatives to raise public understanding of ADHD, ADHD coaching and where relevant, raise awareness of evidence-based practices. 

  • from which we can work together for the benefit of the broader neurodivergent community.

Please note that this group is not intended to act as a substitute for seeking advice and guidance from your mentor coach.

Member Conduct:

It’s expected that members of this group will at all times conduct themselves with honesty, transparency, integrity, and adhere to the Code of Ethics of their member organisation:

Members are expected to treat each other with care, dignity and respect.  This includes (but is not limited to):

  • Being considerate of the diverse group of people reading our messages.  We use clear, straightforward language that avoids jargon, overly complex terminology, slang, and ambiguous phrases.

  • Posting information in the most appropriate group thread.

  • Adhering strictly to confidentiality with all information disclosed. We do not share coaches or clients private information.

  • We do not publicly disparage each other; if we have a concern, we raise it directly, and respectfully with the person/s involved.

  • Using resources in accordance with the collaborative spirit in which they were originally shared.  

  • Only using shared resources with the permission of, and attribution to, the original creator. If adapting a shared resource, we acknowledge the source of the concept and any resources referred to in the creation of our own materials. Ideas shared in the group remain the intellectual property of the individual who shared them.

  • Supporting each other to prepare for opportunities to represent ADHD Coaching in the media.

  • Making ethical referrals, by ensuring referrals are made transparently and in the best interest of clients.

  • Declaring any actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest when seeking or offering advice, referrals, information or support, and when engaging in a collaborative activity or our independent professional endeavours.

As a group of professional coaches, we conduct ourselves with transparency, integrity, and a spirit of mutual support. Dishonesty or behaviour that belies this expected conduct is unprofessional and may result in a member being suspended or removed from the group.

If a member is unable to directly resolve a serious breach of this Code of Conduct with the person/s involved, members may raise their concerns in writing with the WhatsApp group convener, Catherine O’Kane, either by direct WhatsApp message or by email to

Members may propose amendments to the code of conduct by submitting them in writing via email to Catherine O’Kane. 

Accountability and Group Membership

To maintain the integrity, safety, and positive spirit of this group, all members are expected to read, make sure they understand, and adhere to the Australasia ADHD Coach WhatsApp Community Code of Conduct. 

The group convener reserves the right to take appropriate action if a member’s behaviour is inconsistent with these expectations.

This may include:

  • A private discussion to clarify the issue and provide an opportunity for reflection or resolution.

  • Temporary removal from the group to allow space for resolution or reflection.

  • Permanent removal from the group if the behaviour persists or is deemed significantly harmful to the community.

These decisions will be made thoughtfully and at the discretion of the convener, in consultation with a panel of four other original or long standing members, with the well-being of the group being the primary consideration.

Group Administrators

The current Australasia ADHD Coach WhatsApp Community group administrators are:

Convener - Catherine O’Kane (VIC, Australia)


Group Admin /Moderator - Brett Weggelaar (WA, Australia)
